When I want the Truth, I walk into the woods …

Today, I walk into the forest looking for the Light.

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I have been a hunter of light for some time now, and experience has taught me that if you want to see it best, you must look for it in the dark.

So I follow the trail until it’s swallowed in shadow.  I walk, and keep walking, to the heart of the woods, where the leaves are so thick that the wind can barely get through.

I listen to the rain on the canopy and don’t feel a drop — listen for birdsong and hear nothing.

And then, this:

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The sun like a fist, cracking the dark wide open.

I stand there shooting until I feel my soul open, too. ❤


  1. Great post! I’ve been realizing how much of my life is spent indoors. Nature provides moments like these that nothing else can!

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    1. So true, Charnell… I’m lucky to live in a place where the sidewalk literally ends at the edge of the forest. I go there all the time to feel healed and whole. I don’t know what I’d do without it… Hope you get some outside time this weekend! ❤

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    1. Thank you, lady … We all need some outdoor time every once in awhile. Hope you can make some moments out there this week … Hiking, biking or picnicking in the park! In the meantime … Do you have anything green and happy in your cubicle? 🙂 Orchids are my favorite … To me, they always make whatever space they’re in feel lush, tropical and luxurious, no matter how drab and cold the surroundings. 🙂

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      1. I’m a diehard gardener so surrounding myself with some green is second nature. Unfortunately, the window in my cubicle faces a brick wall!! Can you believe that!?? Barely any natural light for a plant to flourish. Sigh! As long as the weather is sunny and warm, I make a point of enjoying the outdoors! Thanks for your inspiring post! xoxoxo

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        1. You are SO welcome lady … And that stinks about the brick wall! Can’t believe it! If it helps: I’ve had good luck with a snake plant/mother-in-law’s tongue in locations with absolutely no natural light. 🙂

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              1. OMG – it was so pretty. It bloomed these strangle looking, tentacle-like delicate flowers that were a very pale, mint green. They were so strongly perfumed – my whole living room smelled divine. They also created a very sticky sap….

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