A Colorful Little Slice of Charleston, SC

I have to tell you that if I had to give someone a valentine right about now, it would be the city of Charleston, South Carolina.


This past weekend, Thomas and I stopped there for the night on our way home from Florida.  We spontaneously decided to book a suite at a (ridiculously charming) bed and breakfast in the historic district downtown, right next door to a little art gallery (you can see a picture of one painting below).  The innkeeper let us in at an iron gate, and we dragged our bags up a long flight of stone stairs to a second-story courtyard cloaked in green vines.

Green, I thought, almost humming with the pleasure of it.  Everything was just so … green… And also coral and lemon-yellow, lilac and hydrangea-blue.

And I knew I was acting like a tourist, but I felt a little bit lovestruck: there was a panel of stained glass on the ceiling above the bathtub.  A rooftop overlook under the stars.  And of course, there was a giant four-poster bed, which is where I had breakfast on Saturday morning.

Needless to say, it was a restful and lovely experience.

I took a few photos while we wandered around the city streets later that afternoon, and thought it might be fun to share them here, in case you’re in the mood to see some color and old-fashioned Southern charm on a gray day.  I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t shoot very well in color, but I felt like stretching myself that day, and Charleston, with its watercolor-painting good looks, always aims to please.  I think I ended up with some pretty frames in spite of myself.

Maybe they’ll help you imagine yourself someplace warm and romantic today. 🙂














  1. Could it be that your husband has a little eye for romantic detail too? 🙂
    Not sure why you think you don’t shoot well in colour? Why do you have to shoot well anyway? You gotta shoot, you gotta shoot, and share.
    Thank you for another great post! xx

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  2. You captured the colors of Charleston well–not in the gaudiness of the place, but in the reflections and corners where you catch it being unaware of itself. I lived there for 11 years and don’t think I would ever go back. But I recognize and like the part of Charleston you found here.

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