Flashback: a Promise, Left on a Park Bench in the Frost

As I write these words, Winter is having its last gasp.  Fat white flakes swirl, caught in the golden cones streaming from the streetlights.  Once again — when we’re all hungering so fiercely for Spring — the world erases itself into white. And yet:  Winter cannot last. If you’re finding that hard to believe today, please know that I dug […]

Five Little Reminders for You, on Valentine’s Day

True story? For almost a decade now, I’ve slept with my body curled tight against my husband’s.  I’ve woken to his heartbeat, and shared in his dreams.  We have every reason to celebrate, but still:  I have some very mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. I don’t know why, but this year I’ve felt painfully aware of how the […]

Flashback: Truth, Chalked on a Stone by the Roanoke River

Yesterday’s post has me thinking about the mercy of near-misses, and the grace of second chances.  I originally published the following words and the accompanying photograph on January 7, 2015, as part of the Secret Messages Project, and it seemed right to share it with you once more. Wherever you are when you read these words — […]