The Body Electric: Day Eight

I don’t know when exactly it happened, but somewhere in the course of my 34 years, I accepted the idea that most of my clothes would be uncomfortable.

These days, I have a closet full of five-inch stilettos, nipped-waist pencil skirts and close-cut clothing in rough, hard-finish fabrics.  And most of the time I’m completely fine with that.

But now I can feel the winter coming on:  chapped lips and numb fingertips … knuckles so dry they crack and bleed through my mittens.  And in this season that, for me at least, represents a constant physical discomfort, I suddenly want to wear things that just plain feel good.

So I’m giving myself permission to wear cashmere socks and fuzzy loose-fitting sweaters.  I’ll spend a little extra on fabrics that slide silkily against my skin.  And maybe this sounds like silly self-indulgence.  But I am learning that when my body feels comfortable, my mind is free to think and love well, and to consider the comfort of others …

And that feels pretty beautiful to me. ❤



{Wonder what’s happening here?  For thirty days this December, I’m challenging myself to enjoy this body I’m living in:  to take pleasure in all my senses, to explore it and use it in new ways … and most of all, simply to cherish it.  I hope you’ll join me for the journey. <3}


    1. You know, surprisingly, I find my towering shoes much less uncomfortable than most people probably think. Maybe I’ve just been wearing them for so long that I don’t even notice it anymore. Either way, I just like feeling tall. 🙂

      Thanks for reading, Derrick. I truly do appreciate you. 🙂

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  1. What precious self-compassion you are showing yourself in this approach and in this photograph! At some point during my recovery, I decided that of it didn’t feel comfortable, I wasn’t going to wear it. It was a rude departure from my former preppy, sophisticated, New Englandy ways, but it was right at the time. Seasons change! I’m becoming more comfortable in my native skin. I think it’s time to strike a new balance. Sounds like that’s exactly what you’ve done. ❤️

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    1. I’m glad this makes sense to someone else — it feels a little strange and self-indulgent to me, but also, so right. Sometimes it really *is* the little things that symbolize much bigger victories.

      Beauty to you today!! 🙂

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      1. It doesn’t sound self indulgent to me at all! It sounds practical and like good self-care! Sometimes we want to feel poised and powerful in our clothes, and sometimes we want to feel soft and safe. Thank you, and beauty back to you!

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  2. Sounds like you dress professionally for work and going out, dressing up? I love the idea of softness against the skin and your photo speaks volumes about the concept of feeling good in your own skin and clothes too.

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    1. Thank you! I’m loving this too right now. And yes, I do dress up, both for going out and professionally… And I do genuinely love being dressed up. But embracing the softness if good for me in this season. 🙂

      Thank you for your little vote of confidence … I always love seeing you here and hearing your thoughts! 🙂


    1. Well, thanks for that. Sometimes I start to feel guilty for my small luxuries, but it really is true that the more important ones equip us to love and share and think and create better. And there’s nothing wrong with that. 🙂

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