1. It’s Wordless Wednesday.

    It’s quiet at your house. You don’t speak. T rushes in telling you about what happened at work and you hold a finger to your lips. Shhh. He stops in mid-sentence and nods. No television tonight; you both sit and read and turn the pages quietly. You walk through the house in your socks, tip-toeing to keep the silence. Outside, you hear the wind rushing through the trees, the rain trickling down the gutter.

    You show T a photograph you took of a piece of wood, the grain running parallel creating light and shadow with so much texture you want to touch it. Color is stripped away and we see the essence of the wood. It’s weathered and worn, which only makes it more interesting and in its own way, more beautiful. Just like life.

    All of this, and more, is said through the photograph. No words are necessary. Because it’s Wordless Wednesday.

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    1. Depends on where you are in Virginia!

      I was raised on the coast, in Tidewater, and people hail from everywhere there, so there’s not much definitive accent anymore.

      Out her in Southwest Virginia, there is definitely a drawl I hear as distinctly Appalachian — different, for example, from a soft slow Georgian drawl or a Texas twang.

      I’m very linguistically impressionable, so I do pick up the accents of the people I hang out with, but those speech patterns are short-lived.

      Maybe I’ll make a video sometime. πŸ™‚

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      1. I am too, my accent tends to – involuntarily – “mimick” that of the people I speak with. Even a Swiss accent in French is catchy. As for American English, I went to Grad school (I may have mentioned it already) at the U. of Alabamer, Tuscalooser. Roll Tide! πŸ˜‰
        Do make a video. πŸ™‚

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              1. My Mac fried this week-end which is a bl..dy nuisance. Means i am answering on the ipad but cant acccess google that easily. Leaves of grass? I’ll have to look it up. Walt? Whitman? ( not Disney right?)

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              2. Will do. As soon as I get my Mac back from the shop. New motherboard and all. Usiong my wife’s computer is complicated (i don’t have all my passwords) and on this ipad, also. πŸ‘€

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              3. My, my! Clay tablets? What’s your major?
                Just checked (my rusty Latin is floundering): stylus, styli.
                And thanks for your best wishes I called the Mac hospital this morning, no expected release until early next week. 😒

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              4. Aw, I’m so sorry about the Mac. At least it’s fixable!! I killed my first MacBook with soda. 😦 I’ve never quite gotten over it.

                And I have my MFA in creative writing (a completely useless degree that I genuinely loved obtaining). I received my BA in English before that.

                And now I meet cool people on the internet who actually like looking up the plural of “stylus.”

                Life’s been good to me so far. πŸ˜‰

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              5. Haha! (I did study a wee bit of Latin, 2 or 3 years, extremely useful for learning languages) Your English major does peek in your writing. And I like the idea of Creative writing. So many people just squander the remarkable gift that language is. Let me share this with you: “The french language was the exact noise of the world”. By Kamel Daoud, an Algerian writer. Of course, I would extend that to several other languages. “The exact noise of the world”! (Why did I not write that?)
                (And about the soda: never, never, ever bring any liquid – even powder milk – near a keyboard…)

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              6. The exact noise of the world … Beautiful!! πŸ™‚

                And yes. The soda. I know better. *sigh…* And the great irony is that I don’t even drink soda.

                May the MacBook 1 rest in peace. πŸ™‚

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      1. “Posh” British most times. (I’m such a snob) depends a bit who I’m talking to. If I’m around Americans, “Muhrikan” accent kicks in. And Ah du speak Sudern, bless mah soul…
        Ye be good naw, ye hear?

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